(an update from Joe)
This is the second Sunday in a
row that it has rained. That being said,
spring has been very nice here. The last
two weeks have been mostly sunny and warm.
Three times this week, for the entire afternoon, I left all the windows in
our apartment open.
Last Sunday we spent the rainy
day at a local hot spring bath. We went
by local train with our American friends (Chris & Rachel). As you can
imagine it was a good time. There was an
indoor pool and 3 outdoor pools of varying temperatures. We spent a lot of time in the hot pool, and
between the steam and clouds we could see the ruins of an ancient castle. After we had soaked for a few hours, we had
lunch in the pool complex. As usual,
where there is food there is beer –so we had our obligatory wheat beer.
Betsy & I joke about the
beer in Germany
all tasting the same. So I helped Chris
brew a batch of IPA beer, because our wives love hoppy beer. It took about 3 weeks of brewing, but we had our
first taste this Friday – it is wonderful!
We really miss the micro-breweries of the Colorado Front Range,
especially Avery, which is known for its very hoppy beers. However since we can make our own beer now,
the sting of leaving Boulder’s
beer scene behind is lessened.
Besides satisfying our beer
needs, we have satisfied our other fundamental needs, namely shelter. We have signed a contract for a new
apartment. It is a great apartment – lots
of south-facing windows. It has a south-facing balcony, which overlooks a garden and a stream, and there is a small
horse pasture on the other side. It is
10 km west of the Betsy’s building, but the bike paths are all flat, so the ride
should be easy. However Betsy is suddenly
interested in “Rollers” (mopeds or scooters in English), as she isn’t sure she will want to
bike 20 km every day. It just so happens
that Betsy’s new German driver’s license allows her to drive Rollers, as well
as cars and small tractors.
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